Thursday, September 2, 2010


Another night of Taebo and Criminal Minds.  I must admit, I really like the combination, though this episode of CM totally had me freaked out.

Taebo is interesting...  I get sweating like crazy yet I don't feel like I am working that hard.  That's probably why I like it:  it seems easy but gives me a good workout.    And I feel really good afterward.  Except for the Criminal Minds induced nightmares. 

I am starving today, which is weird as I haven't been very hungry for the last few days.  Sure, I continue to eat my meals, but by the time the next meal comes around, I haven't been famished like I usually am.  And I've been eating less, which is completely awesome.  The perfect diet for me: one that is completely unconscious.  But today I am hungry, probably because I worked out hard last night and ate breakfast at 6:30 this morning.  So I had a snack: some licorice...and a bagel..., and now that it is lunch time, I find I can go for that too.  My stomach still feels empty.  What is wrong with me?! 

This week I feel that things have clicked, finally.  I feel less sleepy, stronger, ready to kick my butt into gear.  Hopefully it doesn't wear off anytime soon...