How I want to improve:
- Health
- Let's face it: I could use to lose a few pounds. I've always been a little overweight and I am usually fairly comfortable with my body and the way that it is. There are the occasional days, however, that I just feel like a blob. I don't like it. I want it to be better--thinner, healthier. I did lose weight while living in Taiwan--about 35 pounds of it, but 3 years of living life back in America has stuck it back where it was before, plus some. I try to work out and to avoid bad foods, but my effort is sporadic at best and garners zero results. Depressing. So, I propose to increase my health by making some goals and sticking to them. I hope to:
- Exercise for 45 minutes or more at least four times a week. I know I can do this, and now that spring/summer is here, I can take my booty outside to shake it (not that people will want to see...).
- Take walks on my lunch break, since I am forced to take a lunch.
- Eat out less. Basically this means that I need to give myself time in the mornings to make lunch and encourage my family and friends to eat at home.
- When eating out, try to safe half for later. Two meals for the price of one.
- Eat healthier. This includes less carbs, less sugars, less fats, more fruits, more vegetables, and more water.
- Portion control!! Really, I just need to STOP eating after I'm full and learn to eat only when I am hungry. Eat according to need, not habit.
- Community
- I am a glutton: I take and take and rarely give back. Goals:
- Participate in service projects.
- Participate in community events.
- Help out my family and neighbors without complaining or begrudging my work.
- Ride the train at least two times per week to work instead of taking my car.
- Recycle
- Turn off unused lights and electrical appliances.
- Take shorter showers: 7 minutes vs. 15 minutes.
- School
- Right now I am studying for my Master's degree. While I love my program, I sometimes feel that I am only skimming the surface, just doing enough to get by and pass the test. Ways to improve:
- No more Mah Jong while in class. I know, it is going to be hard, but I am determined to pay attention.
- No more hearts, sudoku, or minesweeper either.
- Take more advantage of the opportunity I have to complete a lot of my homework while at work. Less Internet surfing, more textbook reading.
- Enjoy the role plays.
- No homework procrastination.
- Work
- Sometimes it is really hard to like my job. I am the lowest on the totem pole and will never move up. I sometimes have a bad attitude about this. And oftentimes I am bored out of my skull. And I get paid peanuts. But it really is a great job for me at this time of my life and is very convenient to school and such. If only I could enjoy it... I will:
- Take my lunch breaks. I get them, so I need to take them (see 'Health')
- Use my boredom to do more homework, blogging, writing, reading, self improving (see 'School' and 'Self')
- More fully enjoy the occasional perks of the job.
- Be more willing to help my fellow co-worker's.
- Don't begrudge the seemingly dull and mundane task I am asked to complete; at least I'll have something to do.
- Relationships
- This includes family, boyfriend, friends, co-workers, fellow citizens, etc. I just need to be nicer.
- Don't be so quick to judge. I have been proven wrong so many times, that I really should have learned this one by now.
- Be more willing to help and to help quickly.
- Be more grateful.
- Be less critical and negative.
- Be more positive and encouraging.
- Have patience.
- Express my love and appreciation more openly and often.
- Spirituality
- I'm a rather spiritual person, yet feel that I often get lazy or complacent in this area. To improve:
- Daily morning prayer.
- Daily evening prayer.
- Daily scripture study before 11:00 PM.
- Be better at journaling what I read in the scriptures
- Record my spiritual thoughts and insights.
- Share my testimony with others.
- Work on my relationship with God.
- Provide a more quiet, cleanly, and inviting environment for the Holy Ghost.
- Strive to live with strict obedience.
- Be open to receive any and all personal revelation the Lord has for me.
- Self
- I'm already pretty awesome, but sometimes I don't believe it or share my awesomeness with others. To fully grasp my awesomeness, I will:
- Regularly study Chinese.
- Practice the piano for at least 15 minutes daily.
- Not be afraid to share my talents with others.
- Actively participate in discussions
- Life
- I have had a pretty good life thus far. But it could always use improvement.
- Enjoy every stinking minute of it...even if it is stinky.
- De-clutter my house.
- De-clutter my life. I'm not exactly sure what that entails, but it sounds good.
- Keep a clean room/house.
- Simplify.
- Go to bed early; rise early.
- Get outside and play.
- Enjoy the moments I get to spend with my family and friends.
- Be the 'fun aunt' to the fullest.
- Always strive to improve myself and be my best self.