Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day One

It's been a while since I've written on this here blog.  I know no one reads it, mostly because no one knows about it.  But I know it is here and I know its purpose.  Even though it hasn't been greatly successful, I'm hoping I can use it again for it's original intent:  to improve me in all ways I need improvement.  What a perfect day to start, too.  January 1, 2014.  A new year with new goals and new ambitions.

Last night I was talking with Keith and James and we decided we were all going to work together.  Our goals/resolutions are not too different than they are any other year, but this year we have a support system and will be checking in with each other.  It is amazing how much more motivated you can be if you have to report on your doings at the end of each day.

This year we are simply going to improve our physical health by being healthy.  More exercise, more veggies, more water, more movement.  We are going to improve our spirituality by letting our spirit communicate with God's.  More praying, more reading (at least 15 minutes daily), more meditation.  And we are going to improve attitudes.  More gratitude, more happiness.  I can do that right?

And so it commences.  Wish me (and the others) luck!


Today I am grateful for the opportunity to have a new start and new beginnings.  There is always something so great about New Years.  As the year changes, so can we.  We can make our year and ourselves anything we want.  We can become a better version of us.  How cool is that!?

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