Monday, January 13, 2014

Menu Planning and a Challenge

I think I might start doing a weekly menu planning.  I've always been against it, as I like to be spontaneous as to what I make and I like to be creative and see what I can do with what I have on hand.  But I've been thinking about it for a while and hope that it would serve two purposes.

First, I hope that it would help us to eat healthier.  If I plan ahead, perhaps I can work in healthier entrees and sneak in extra vegetables.  I don't know what exactly I would do differently, but because I have to prepare, I would hopefully put more thought and less calories into my dinners.  Also, if I shop for only what is on my list to feed us for the week, I won't be buying more fattening and convenient foods as I peruse the grocery aisles.

Second, I hope that it would help to save us money.  Not only would we waste less, as we plan to eat everything we buy, but I would buy just what I need for the week.  I will still need to buy the pantry essentials and work on bulking up our food storage, but no other unnecessaries.

Currently we are spending $100-150 per week on groceries.  That is way too much for just the two of us.  Yes, we are building up our food storage and freezer, but we need to cut back.  We should be spending $75 or less per week, so we need to cut by 25-50%.  Doable????  Maybe.  It might take a little to get there.  BUT, no more candy, chips, pepperoni (Keith's favorite), cookies, chocolate.  Less convenient, fried, greasy, fatty, gross.

Part of the problem is that Keith comes shopping with me.  I don't mind him coming, but he is constantly throwing things in the cart.  I try telling him no, but then we just end up fighting in the store and so I just have learned to give in.  He mentioned doing a menu plan today, so if I'm going to do this, he needs to be committed too.

In related news, we've only been out to eat once since Christmas, and because we used a gift card, we only paid $5 out of pocket as a tip to the waitress.  I want to cut going out to eat as much as possible.  Yes, it is fun and relaxing to go out, but it is so expensive!  Keith thinks we have to make going out to eat an experience, meaning needing drinks, appetizer, entree, and sometimes dessert.  $60-plus later, we just spent half a week's worth of groceries on one meal.  Bad.  Very bad.  Plus, home cooked tastes better. So, the challenge is to eat out only once per month.  I'm not sure how long we can last, but we are going to try.

Wish me luck!

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