Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day Two

I ate horribly today.  We still have a bunch of junk left over from Christmas and today I was a willing participant.  I could have done without the chocolate bar, but those butter cookies sure were tasty.  I probably should just chuck the whole lot of it out, but I have a hard time doing that.  It's like throwing away cash versus eating my wallet.  At least when I eat it I get some sort of return, even if it isn't the sort of return I want...

I didn't read my scriptures last night, and I haven't read them yet today, but I've decided that, instead of starting the Book of Mormon at the beginning, I'm going to start where I left off...about a year and a half ago.  I've read Alma many times before.  It shouldn't be too hard to pick back up.

Today I am grateful for Keith's job.  Sure, it isn't his favorite and we aren't becoming rich by it, but today he got a 2% raise (about $0.42).  Every little bit helps!!

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