Monday, January 6, 2014

Broccoli and Babies

Lately I've been having a love affair with broccoli.  I don't know what it is about the tree-like florets, but I want to eat them ALL THE TIME.  I want it steamed, stir-fried, roasted, sauteed.  I don't care, I just want to eat it and eat it all.  Keith isn't as pro-broccoli as I am, as he's only a fan if it has butter or sauce, but I'm the one making dinner, so he has to suffer or just learn to suck it up.  Good thing broccoli is good for me because I've been eating a lot of it.

As to babies...Dawn recently announced she is expecting.  We are so excited for her, but I can't help but feel a little, dare I say, jealous...?  I do  not begrudge her being pregnant (and I'm very glad grandbaby #2 was born over Christmas and that Dawn no longer has the corner on McLean grandchildren), but I just wish were expecting a baby too.  We aren't TRYING to get pregnant, but we aren't KEEPING it from happening, either.  Keith has become more open to the idea, but keeps saying "We'll just see what happens" when I try to have the Baby Discussion with him.  I guess I worry because it hasn't happened yet.  Maybe it just hasn't happened or maybe it can't happen.  Keith worries about his messed up "procedure", and I worry because of Chelsea and Dave's infertility struggles.  Maybe I worry too much.  And it doesn't help that everyone in Keith's family already suspect that I have a bun in the oven (no, I'm just getting fat).  Aunt Jacquie asked Odette on Christmas Eve if I was, and James told us yesterday that Monica thinks I am.  I told James to fuel the rumor, since I think it funny.  Hopefully one day...

Today I am grateful for my washer and dryer.  I love having in-suite laundry.  Every time I go to do laundry I have to smile because I love these two appliances so much (even if they are old and don't work very well).  Nothing beats being able to do laundry whenever I need to without having to lug it up stairs or down stairs or to the car or through the snow.  And I love not having to feed coins to the machines to make them work.  In Edmonton we were spending $12-15 every week to wash our clothes.  I know we still pay electricity and water to run our machines here, it is by far less expensive.

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