Friday, May 28, 2010

I Ate Cookies for Lunch

And drank a sprite. 

It reminded me of Jr. High, when my friend Kim and I would go to the Pony for some good ole' Grandma's and a creme soda nearly every day.

Not super healthy but oddly satisfying.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I'm so proud of myself.

I sat in class for 5 hours last night and did not play a single computer game.

I did my homework instead.  :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

It Has Begun

Day 1: 

So far, so good, as it takes a lot of self control to last one whole morning.  :)  Anyway, it is Friday, and sometimes I get exceptionally lazy on Fridays.  I will not want to make me a lunch and will end up buying food.  But, no more!  Food at work is expensive and so not worth the money (or the calories).  So today I brought cold spaghetti salad AKA whatever-I-could-find-in-my-fridge-before-running-out-the-door-this-morning.  I did put a little too much dressing on it, but I also didn't add extra cheese like I wanted.  Score!  I'm amazing!  I don't know if I'm going to make a lunch-time walk today, but hopefully I will get some sort of exercise in tonight.  Anyway, this salad packs a nice 1 fruit, 2 veggie punch, plus a carb to keep you fuller longer.  Buono Appetito!

Cold spaghetti salad

Leftover spaghetti noodles from the previous night
Olive Garden salad dressing
1 Roma tomato
1 handful of baby carrots
1 stalk of celery

Chop veggies, mix all ingredients. Eat chilled.

P.S. For breakfast I had 2 pieces of wheat bread toasted, with peanut butter and grape jelly, and a glass of milk.  Good, though it could have used a banana.

Coming up:  Tackling the bathroom...and the scale.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Revolution, of Sorts

Do you ever just get tired of things the way they are and want something new?  I've been feeling that way a lot lately and decided that I needed a change.  And so, I decided to change myself.  I also decided that if I put it out there in the web world to see (whether they will or no), then I will be that more motivated and pressured to keep on going. 

Welcome to my journey! 

(Feel free to read "The Project" page.  The link is just under the blog title.)