Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Slightly Overdone

I think I overdid it yesterday.  Here's what happened:
  • I went to work and sat for 8 plus hours
  • And for those 8 plus hours I did data entry (snooze)
  • But, as my attention span is approximately 7 seconds (the mono's only made it worse), it was a very, very long day.
  • I forgot to mention that I took the train to and from work yesterday (go me!)
  • Which means I have to wake up a whole lot earlier
  • And add an hour plus to my already long day.
  • After my train ride home, I ate dinner, my beautiful mother having it ready for me when I walked in.
  • Unfortunately, we had tacos.  I don't like tacos.  I made myself a cheese quesadilla.
  • Once dinner was eaten and cleared I had to run to FHE because I said I would be there.
  • They ended up not officially starting FHE until 7:30, so we all just milled around for a half hour.
  • As I had already predetermined I was going to leave at 7:45, at 7:50 I headed home.  At home, I changed my clothes, pulled out my laptop, and turned on the TV.
  • I watched a workout video on my laptop while watching the Bachelorette on the tube (I love technology).
  • And for the first time in over a month (that's right, I said a month), I exercised (something more than walking or working in the garden).
  • It kicked my butt, and I didn't even try very hard, and for only 30 minutes.
  • Once the show was over and I was through with my sweat session, I cleaned out my backpack
  • And called my boyfriend .
  • And then I got mad at him and said good night, as neither of us were very congenial.
  • And then I stewed for a little while.
  • I got ready for bed
  • And did a load of laundry.
  • I grumbled through the bedtime routine
  • And finally turned off the light.
And this morning I am beyond exhausted.  I was 15 minutes late to work (but no one noticed because I was still the first one here) because I was in slow motion all morning.  And I still am.  Only now it is 9:42 and all I have to do is more data entry and I just don't want to.  So I'm trying to avoid it as long as possible.  But regardless of how long I avoid it, I still will be sitting at work for 8 hours plus today, in addition to the 5 hours I get to sit at class tonight.  And I'm pretty sure my attention span is still only 7 seconds.  And soon my body will start telling me it is sore from the Pilate's, and my poor sleep will start catching up to me.  And I really need to tell my boyfriend that I am sorry...but making up just isn't the same when you can't do it in person.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a really boring day. Maybe it is time to switch jobs? Sorry about the boyfriend. I sometimes hung up on Travis and felt so bad about it. He just figured that we had a bad connection and that is why we got disconnected :) I never told him the truth.
