Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Video Ga Ga

I ran into a problem recently.  (Ran?  Slowly meandered is more like it).  It is this: all my workout videos have disappeared.  Gone.  Lost.  Bu jian le.  I can't find them anywhere.

My theory?  I think that when my mom was cleaning and organizing she saw all of our workout videos, thought no one used them, and gave them all to my sisters.  Thanks, Mom.  Do you want me to be fat?  I use those videos...on occasion...really, I do...every once in a while...  How do you expect me to workout now?

And that is when I discovered YouTube. 

Since I couldn't find my regular Donna Richardson, I turned to Billy Banks instead.  Yep, I sweated it out to TaeBo while watching Criminal Minds.  It was intense, both the workout and the TV show, and I loved it.

Next I'm hoping to find me some Turbo Jam, or at least some Richard Simmons.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hi, Bye, Where'd You Go?

Good Heavens! 

What happened to July?  It just sort of got away from me.

I don't know if I am still affected by the mono or if I am just really out of shape, but I find it very difficult to excercise. 

And I don't get nearly enough sleep.

I blame all my troubles on the boy.  You see, the boy gave me mono, and I stay up far too late talking to him at night, and the whole of July was focused on his one-week visit, and everything else has been a blur.

Except for my homework.  My homework is still in focus.  Until I actually try to do it.  Then it is all sorts of craziness and I can't focus at all.

Maybe I have adult ADD.

Or just the lingering effects of mono.

Or am just twitterpated.

Maybe I have adult ADD and mono because I am twitterpated?

Darn that boy!

I need a vacation.  Here's to August.