Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hi, Bye, Where'd You Go?

Good Heavens! 

What happened to July?  It just sort of got away from me.

I don't know if I am still affected by the mono or if I am just really out of shape, but I find it very difficult to excercise. 

And I don't get nearly enough sleep.

I blame all my troubles on the boy.  You see, the boy gave me mono, and I stay up far too late talking to him at night, and the whole of July was focused on his one-week visit, and everything else has been a blur.

Except for my homework.  My homework is still in focus.  Until I actually try to do it.  Then it is all sorts of craziness and I can't focus at all.

Maybe I have adult ADD.

Or just the lingering effects of mono.

Or am just twitterpated.

Maybe I have adult ADD and mono because I am twitterpated?

Darn that boy!

I need a vacation.  Here's to August.

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